Cool and windy weather has not helped the fishing situation. On the few fishable days, boaters that could make it to Reef Sites 9 and 10 got into tautog. Some tog came from the Outer Wall as well, but bites were limited to tides with clean water. Water temps dropped in Lewes Canal, and slowed flounder activity. That should improve as conditions stabilize. There were reports of some stripers taken in the Canal by anglers in small boats casting Rat-L-Traps, Fin-S Fish and small Storm Shads to the shadow lines of lighted docks. Guys working the rocks at Indian River inlet during the period leading up to last week's full moon caught stripers. Casting Bomber plugs from the south side during nighttime flood tides did the trick. Commercial netters had black drum in Delaware Bay, and boomers should be caught on hook and line soon. We'll be carrying fresh surf clams throughout the spring, but we ask that you call to reserve bait by Tuesdays in order to ensure you get what you need for trips later in the week. We get deliveries on Wednesdays, and try not to order much more than we need, due to a limited cooler life of the bivalves.