This past weekend saw a lot of big sheepshead being caught by anglers all over the area. Seems that these ?sh have found their way from normal more Southern water homes to further north to our area. The trigger ?sh have still been plentiful enough to give anglers something to target along with the sheepshead. Tautog are still being caught and hopefully, this weather will drop the water temps enough to start pulling the big ones from their homes in the rubble. Shelia Stohler is still sitting in 1st place with her 6.82lb tog in our Annual Tautog tournament, James Rodek sits in 2nd with a 6.53lb tog, and Jason Destafney is in 3rd with his 5.42lb ?sh. The surf is still producing blues which seem to be getting bigger by the day. Reports are that they are getting to the 20 inch size. We hope some linesiders start showing up due to the weather blowing them south to us.
Tight lines everyone, Tommy Serbin.